Benefits and care tips of Peace Lily plant

Benefits and care tips of Peace Lily plant The Peace Lily is more than just a plant as this beautiful gem has a lot of benefits and has been one of the best organic plants online to have for homes and offices. Here are some of the pros of having a Peace Lily that will […]

How to Grow Medicinal Plants at Home

How to Grow Medicinal Plants at Home Tapping into Nature’s Pharmacy for organic plants online is easier than you might think. Getting started growing medicinal plants in your backyard or windowsill can be a deeply satisfying, even therapeutic, endeavour. Here’s how to get growing on the path to greater self-reliance and natural health. Why You […]

Top 5 Benefits of Rubber Plant

Top 5 Benefits of Rubber Plant If you are an avid gardener, then you must be familiar with the Rubber Plant (Ficus elastica) which is one of the popular organic plants online, thanks to its demand for little care and unique appearance. You can buy it for decoration purposes and for the several benefits that […]

5 Best Herb Seeds to Grow in June

5 Best Herb Seeds to Grow in June Herbs have always been a part of Indian cuisines as well as medicinal practices. Therefore, the perfect choice for exploring the magic of gardening in June is growing beneficial herb seeds. The Affordable Organic Store brings the 5 Best Herb Seeds to Grow in June that will transform […]

5 Best Indoor Plants to Grow In June

June has arrived with bright weather dotted with refreshing showers of rain and we know you are looking forward to buying organic plants online. The Affordable Organic Store brings the 5 Best Indoor Plants to Grow in June that will add a majestic element to your gardening space. Fittonia Red Fittonia Red or the Nerve […]

Top 2 Summer Special Plant Packs

Top 2 Summer Special Plant Packs Hello Gardeners! The summer season is here and we know you’re looking forward to buying organic seeds online. Starting from vibrant flower plants to healthy vegetable seeds, the Affordable Organic Store has it all for you.  Gardening kits are a delight in several ways. Here are the top 2 […]

How To Grow Dragon Fruits At Home? ​

How To Grow Dragon Fruits At Home? Out of all the options to buy organic plants online, Dragon Fruit has been garnering a lot of attention recently. A beloved member of the cacti family, Dragon Fruits are highly adaptable to different regions and climates. Therefore, their popularity in India has also risen over the years. People […]

How To Grow Top 10 Indoor Plants Under AC

How To Grow Top 10 Indoor Plants Under AC Planning to buy organic plants online that are perfect for air-conditioned rooms? Well, not all plants are AC-friendly and cannot survive because the air in air-conditioned rooms is drier.  The Affordable Organic Store is here with the solution providing fine saplings of the best indoor plants for AC. […]

Types of Zinnia Plant Seeds to Grow in Summer

Types of Zinnia Plant Seeds to Grow in Summer If you’re thinking about which plant can make your little garden shine as brightly as the sun during summer, the Affordable Organic Store is here with the best solution. Read on to discover all about the types of zinnia plant seeds to grow in summer that […]

Top 5 Bitter Vegetable Seeds in India

Bitter vegetables are an essential part of Indian cuisine, adding a unique and distinctive flavor profile to various dishes. From the tantalizing bitterness of bitter gourd to the subtle tang of fenugreek, these vegetables play a crucial role in balancing flavors and enhancing the overall culinary experience. Not only do bitter vegetables contribute to the […]