Favorable Conditions For Seed Germination

Favorable Conditions For Seed Germination

Growing plants from seeds with your own hands is always a peaceful experience. Seed germination needs a lot of care for fruitful results. And with getting little adventures you can get benefits too. So, in this article, we will discuss briefly that what are common mistakes done by gardeners while germination and what are the favorable conditions for seed germination. 

Favorable Conditions are:


  • The right quantity of water provides necessary hydration and boosts shoot and root growth. So,  overflowing or not watering enough will not work.
  • But many gardeners do not provide the right quantity of water and hence resulting in damaging the plant.
  • So, first, remember that the roots need water, not the leaves. Avoid watering the leaves as it spreads diseases.
  • Different vegetables, fruits, and flowers require different quantities of water. For example, potatoes need comparatively more water than cauliflower.
  • In the rainy season, the watering amount can be reduced and on sunny days the water quantity may be increased fulfilling the requirements.
  • If you are growing seeds in the soil make sure to make a drainage system and if you are growing seeds in pots or planters buy it with a hole in them. So, excess water can flow. 


  • Oxygen can be found in the pores of soil particles, which is an essential part of germination.
  • Avoid planting the seeds too deep or on the surface which results in a lack of oxygen and doesn’t get any essential nutrients or moves away by air or insects.
  • So, it is advised to sow seeds 1-2inches deep.


  • Using organic manures like coco peat, cow dung, seaweed fertilizer, neem cake powder, neem oilVermiCompost, liquid fertilizers, tea compost, and vegetable peels improves the aeration and soil texture. 
  • It provides the seeds with all the necessary vitamins, minerals, and nutrients.
  • Different plants need a different ratio of fertilizers, but many gardeners make mistakes. So it is advisable to read the back of the seed packets for the exact information for germination.


  • The portion of the shade, sunlight, and soil nutrients that a plant need is influenced by its location.
  • In many cases, the germination fails because the sunlight requirements are not fulfilled.
  • As different seeds require different hours of sunlight. 
  • In general, a plant needs 5-8hours of sunlight. For example, a tomato needs full sunlight, broccoli needs partial sunlight and peace lily needs no sunlight. 
  • So, before planting seeds check the area where it receives shade and sunlight as needed by each plant.

peace lily germination

The above picture is of Peace Lily.


  • Before planting check the soil pH. If it is more than 7.0 then the soil is basic or alkaline and if less than 7.0 it’s acidic. And 7.0 means neutral.
  • Most plants grow well from the range between 6.0-7.0.
  • To increase the level it’s advisable to add lime and to decrease the level apply ground sulfur.
  • Nowadays potting mix is readily available but if growing in the soil make sure that the soil is porous and fertile. It’s advisable to mix soil with manures.

Important Note:

Before sowing seeds, read the back of the packet to get more information about the growing season, sunlight, water, and manure requirements, and in which place to grow (large space or short spaces). There are many alternatives available, for example, If experiencing short space there are wall/hanging planters and small pots available. 


  1. Nitya Joshi

    Interesting point! I had never thought about it that way

  2. Advay Sinha

    I love your tips! I can’t wait to try them out

  3. Yuvika Kapoor

    This is exactly what I was looking for! Thanks for sharing

  4. Anaisha Reddy

    Great post! I really learned a lot from this

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