Fully matured corn with yellow kernels on the maize plant with leaves in background

How to grow corn seeds/ plants in India?

Corn, which is also known as Beebe Korn, Bebi Karn, Sisura Bhutta, Kulantai Colam is a cash crop in the agricultural field. Many food industries are dependent on baby corn, popcorn, corn flakes, and corn flour which is a source of basic food necessity and also used for cooking fries. So, here’s a simple guide for growing corn seeds in your home garden.


Steps to grow corn seeds:

  1. Take a seedling tray and fill it with coco peat.
  2. Make a 1 inches deep hole and put 1 seed in the hole.
  3. Fill the hole with coco peat and spray some water.
  4. When two-three leaves start growing, transplant them in the soil or medium (or large, at least 16-18 inches pot) sized containers.



Watering requirements:

  • Water 5-6 times a week in the summer season.
  • Water every alternative day in the winter season.
  • Give 2inches of water, in the soil near the root, not on the leaves.

Seed germination time:

Corn Seeds will germinate in 7-15 days.

Green branches of sweet corn seeds leaves planted in a pot






Temperature range to grow: 

20-30 degree C.


  • If growing in pots or containers make sure to add potting mix.
  • If growing in soil, mix VermiCompost, cow dung, and organic manures like tea compost and vegetable peels in the ratio 2:1.
  • Mulching also helps retain moisture and prevents the growth of weeds.

Sunlight needed

  • Corn is a sun-loving plant, so plant them where it gets full sunlight.
  • At least 6-7 hours.

Soil type:

  • Corn seeds grows best in fertile, well-drained, and raised bed soil.
  • With a pH level of 5.5-7.0.
  • Before transplanting the sapling, mix the soil or pot with compost and fertilizers.
  • Keep the soil moist.

Time to flower/fruit:

  • The flower may start growing in the 3-4 weeks.
  • And the corn cob is ready to harvest in the 7-9th week from the day of the plantation.
  • The germination will depend on the temperature, sunlight, and water quantity.

Health benefits:

  • It consists of carbohydrates and proteins.
  • Contains vitamins and minerals.
  • Contains Vitamin B2 and Vitamin B6.


  1. Aanya Mehta

    This is so well-written! You’re a great writer

  2. Aarav Bansal

    I can’t wait to try this out! Thanks for the tips

  3. Saisha Sharma

    I love your insights! You really make me think

  4. Arya Gupta

    This is exactly what I was looking for! Thanks for sharing

  5. Vihaan Chawla

    Great post! I really learned a lot from this

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