Workshop On Gardening In Small Spaces

Workshop On Gardening In Small Spaces

Dive into the expansive world of gardening in small spaces with Nibedita Chakma, fondly known as Happieplantgirl! 🌿

Amidst the hustle and bustle of city life, Nibedita discovered solace and purpose through gardening, birthing her Instagram persona, Happieplantgirl. Despite the constraints of urban living, she ingeniously transforms limited spaces into verdant sanctuaries.

Whether it’s cultivating modest harvests, propagating plants, reveling in breathtaking blooms, or seamlessly integrating greenery into her decor, every endeavor brings her boundless joy.

Watch our workshop as Nibedita unveils her journey and shares invaluable tips for crafting lush havens in even the most confined environments. Simply put, plants make this girl happie.

🌱 Follow Nibedita’s inspiring journey on Instagram:



Welcome, fellow green enthusiasts, to an exciting workshop where urban living meets the tranquil world of gardening. Today, we are thrilled to have the incredible Nibedita, better known as the vibrant Happieplantgirl from Instagram, joining us. Amidst the hustle and bustle of city life, Nibedita discovered solace and purpose through gardening, transforming limited urban spaces into verdant sanctuaries. Now, she’s here to share her wisdom on how to turn your small apartment into a green oasis, making your house truly feel like home. But first, let’s dive into Nida’s journey and uncover the roots of her gardening passion.

  1. How do you choose or identify the place? “Asked Satyam

“Imagine yourself standing in your chosen spot, visualizing the greenery that will soon fill it. It could be your snug balcony, sunny terrace, or even a bright window sill—there are limitless possibilities for miniature gardening in any of these spaces. Enjoy the environment and let the sunbeams penetrate your body. It is time to start your botanical journey here. With a little bit of creativity and nurturing, this place can become a thriving green oasis, where you will find peace through nature’s beauty within your home. Let us explore gardening and see how plants may transform your chosen spot into something more than just an empty piece of land.” Said Nibedita

  1. Which are the perfect plants to start gardening? “Asked Satyam

“Embarking on your gardening journey is exciting, and starting with small plants is the perfect way to ease into this fulfilling hobby. Choose petite varieties like herbs, succulents, or compact flowering plants to get acquainted with the joys of gardening. These small wonders are not only easy to care for but also offer a glimpse into the magical world of plant growth and nurturing. As you tend to these tiny treasures, you’ll learn valuable lessons about watering, sunlight, and soil conditions, laying the foundation for more ambitious gardening endeavors in the future. So, grab a trowel, and let’s sow the seeds of your green thumb with these delightful small plants.” Said Nibedita

  1. Which was the first plant that you started with? “Asked Satyam

“My first plant? That would be the beloved Money Plant. I remember it vividly like it was yesterday. There’s something extraordinary about those heart-shaped leaves and their cascading vines. It was my gateway into the world of gardening, you see. I can still recall the sense of wonder and excitement as I carefully planted it, nurturing it with tender care. That Money Plant taught me so much – patience, resilience, and the simple joy of watching something grow. It holds a special place in my heart, always reminding me of the beauty and magic of nature.” Said Nibedita

  1. Vegetables that grow in 30 days? “Asked Satyam

“So, when it comes to veggies that grow super quickly, think of coriander, mint, methi (fenugreek), and lettuce. These little guys are like the speed racers of the plant world! Coriander and mint bring intense flavor, perfect for jazzing up any dish. Mathi, or fenugreek, packs a nutritional punch and adds a delightful touch to curries and salads. And then there’s lettuce – crisp, refreshing, and delightful in salads or sandwiches. So, if you’re eager to get your green fix in a flash, these speedy veggies are the way to go.” Said Nibedita

  1. How to grow in your space? “Asked Satyam

“Growing these quick veggies is as easy as pie. First things first, head to your nearest nursery and grab yourself a nice potting mix. It’s like a ready-made bed for your plants – all comfy. There’s no need to stress about mixing soils or anything like that. Once you’ve got your potting mix, simply fill your pots or containers with it. Then, gently plant your seeds or seedlings according to the instructions on the packet. Keep them watered and give them plenty of sunlight, and before you know it, you’ll have fresh veggies ready to harvest in just about a month. It’s as simple as that.” Said Nibedita

  1. Is there any misconception they are not needed for gardening? “Asked Satyam

“Absolutely. One common misconception in gardening is the belief that you need fancy or specialized materials to grow plants successfully. In reality, a good-quality potting mix from the nursery is often more than sufficient for most gardening needs. While traditional fertilizers like neem khali or fresh cow dung are sometimes recommended, they can be challenging to find and may not be necessary for small-scale gardening endeavors. Instead, focusing on providing the right amount of water, sunlight, and nutrients through a balanced potting mix can yield excellent results without the hassle of sourcing specialized fertilizers. After all, gardening should be a fun and rewarding experience, not a daunting task.” Said Nibedita

  1. What are Microbreans? “Asked Satyam

Microgreens are young vegetable greens that are harvested just after the first true leaves have emerged. They are incredibly nutrient-dense and packed with flavor, making them a popular choice for salads, sandwiches, and garnishes. Growing microgreens is simple and doesn’t require a lot of space – you can even grow them in cotton or tissue paper. Said Nibedita

When you plant microgreens, you’re essentially harnessing the pure essence of the plant. As the tiny leaves emerge, they contain concentrated levels of minerals, vitamins, and antioxidants, which are excellent for your health.

Currently, I’m growing amaranth microgreens, but you can experiment with a variety of seeds like mustard or fenugreek (methi). To get started, soak the seeds in water for about 7-8 hours. Then, spread them evenly over your chosen growing medium and keep them moist. Within just 5-6 days, you’ll have fresh, nutrient-packed microgreens ready to harvest and enjoy.” Said Nibedita

  1. Ever Met Succulents? They’re Like the Trendsetters of the Plant Kingdom, Aren’t They? “Asked Satyam

“I have a special place in my heart for succulents – they’re like little treasures that bring so much joy into my life. I’m proud to say that I have quite a large collection of succulents, each one unique and beautiful in its own way. To showcase my beloved plants, I even went the extra mile and ordered a dedicated shelf from IKEA. It’s the perfect spot to display my succulents, allowing each one to bask in the sunlight and thrive. Whether it’s the striking shapes, vibrant colors, or their easy-going nature, there’s something truly enchanting about succulents that captivates me. They’re not just plants; they’re companions on my journey of growth and discovery.” Said Nibedita

  1. Share the Scoop on Cactus Plants. “Asked Satyam

Cacti are like the superheroes of the plant world when it comes to low maintenance. These resilient beauties can thrive with minimal care, making them perfect for busy plant lovers or those new to gardening. With their unique shapes and sizes, cacti add a touch of desert charm to any space.

To keep your cactus happy and healthy, here are a few simple tips:

  1. Light: Cacti love sunlight, so place them in a sunny spot where they can soak up plenty of rays. A south-facing window is ideal for providing the bright light they crave.
  2. Watering: One of the best things about cacti is that they don’t need a lot of water. It’s better to underwater than overwater them. Wait until the soil is completely dry before watering, and then give them a thorough soak. During the winter months, water even less frequently.
  3. Soil: Use a well-draining soil mix specifically formulated for cacti and succulents. This will prevent water from pooling around the roots, which can cause rot.
  4. Temperature: Cacti prefer warm temperatures during the growing season but can tolerate cooler conditions in the winter. Just be sure to keep them away from drafts or extreme temperature fluctuations.
  5. Potting: Plant your cactus in a pot with drainage holes to allow excess water to escape. Terra cotta pots are a great choice because they help to wick away moisture from the soil.

With just a little bit of attention and care, your cactus will thrive and bring joy to your space for years to come.” Said Nibedita

Thank you so much, Nibedita.

It was lovely to have you again for such a wonderful session. Thank you, Nibedita, for your valuable time. Thank you, everyone, for being in this workshop. I hope you enjoyed the session. Thank you all for joining the workshop.





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