How To Grow Alyssum Snow White Seeds/ plants in India?

Alyssum snow white seeds produce beautiful white blossoms all year round, especially in milder climate areas. It is a white fragrance and wind-tolerant flower. Anyone would fall in love with this snowy carpet of elegant flowers. So, in this article we will guide you to grow alyssum snow white flowers, to create a gorgeous white blanket in your garden.

How To Sow Alyssum Snow White Seeds?

  1. Take a Seedling Tray and fill it with Cocopeat.
  2. Make ½ inch deep holes and put 4 seeds in each hole.
  3. Fill the hole with Cocopeat and spray with water.
  4. Sow the seeds at a distance of 6 inches apart.
  5. Seeds will germinate within 15-20 days.
  6. The time to flower is 6-8 weeks.
  7. It’s best when sown in early summer.

How Much Water Does Alyssum Snow White Seeds Need?

  1. Sprinkle some water on the surface of the soil while sowing the seed.
  2. Water them more frequently during a hot climate.
  3. Water three times a week.
  4. Don’t overwater or don’t water them on the leaves as they may rot.
  5. Keep the soil moist.
  6. Make a drainage system so the excess water can flow.

Does Alyssum Snow White Seeds Need Full Sunlight?

  1. The flower is a sun-loving plant but needs shade.
  2. If your area has got climate then a slightly shaded area will be best to grow alyssum.
  3. Generally, it needs five to six hours of sunlight.
  4. The optimal temperature to grow this flower is 15-20° C.

Alyssum Snow White

What Type Of Soil Is Best Suited For Alyssum Snow White?

  1. The alyssum grows best in moist and well-drained soil.
  2. The soil must be loamy and well composted.
  3. The soil pH must be nearly neutral to acidic.

Which Fertilizer Is Best For Alyssum Snow White?

Feed the soil with,

  1. VermiCompost for nutrients every week.
  2. Seaweed once a month for greener leaves.
  3. Epsom salt for better blooming once a month.


  1. When planting in pots, take a Medium Size Pot and add Potting Mix.
  2. If planting in the soil adds, Neem Cake Powder, VermiCompost, and Seaweed.

Varieties Of Alyssum Seeds Flower

  1. Royal Carpet (purple)
  2. Carpet Of Snow
  3. Easter Bonnet (violet)
  4. Little Dorito
  5. Rosie O’Dea
  6. Sweet White
  7. Tiny Tim



  1. Aarush Varma

    So true

  2. Thanks for sharing

  3. Arnav Sinha

    Great post

  4. Aadhya Iyer

    can relate to this so much

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