A beautifully grown Aparajita Blue Pea flower with some leaves in the background

Knowledge Tour-Names of seeds

General names of seeds in English 

The sole purpose behind attempting this step is to keep happy our family i. e customers to make them easy to concise seed names in both language!! 

So, here are some names of seeds:

names of seeds

S. NO  English name  Hindi name 
1 Kochia seeds  Grishmkalin Mausami
2 Strawberry Strawberry
3 Banana  Kela 
4 Marigold  Genda 
5 Hibiscus  Gudhal
6 Jasmine Chameli
7 Rose Gulab
8 Tulsi  Tulsi 
9 Mint  Pudina 
10 Lavender Neel lohit
11 Basil black Kali Tulsa
12 Sunflower Suraj Mukhi
13 Chrysanthemum Guldaudi
14 Lotus  Kamal
15 Coreopsis  Swarnguch 
16 Daisy  Gulbahar
17 Cosmo’s sensation Brahmandiye 
18 Petunia Petunnia
19 Zinnia  Zinnia 
20 Lichi Lichi 


  1. Aryan Chopra

    Nature’s treasure trove, seeds whisper stories of growth, resilience, and interconnected ecosystems

  2. Tanisha Iyer

    From garden to table, seeds weave a tale of sustenance and cultural heritage

  3. Rahul Venkatraman

    Exploring the diversity of seeds, each holding the promise of a unique botanical journey

  4. Esha Mehra

    In the tiny seed lies the potential for vast forests, a marvel of life’s creation

  5. Kunal Saxena

    Discovering the essence of nature’s bounty through seeds, a journey of endless possibilities

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