5 Best Low-Maintenance Plants To Buy In The Winters

5 Best Low-Maintenance Plants To Buy In The Winters

5 Best Low-Maintenance Plants To Buy In The Winters

If you’re planning to add some greenery to your space this winter but don’t have the requisite time or knowledge to do so, then you can try adding some low maintenance plants to your home.

Winter months are characteristic of low-light conditions and low temperatures. Therefore, bringing in some hardy plants that can do well in low light, moisture, and temperature can liven up your space. They can also prove to be great companions during those cold and gloomy days when you don’t feel like stepping out of your house.

Luckily, there are many options available for you to choose from that are low maintenance as well.

Here are five of the best low-maintenance plants that you can buy in the winter and enjoy their beauty and benefits:

Snake plant

Snake plant also known as Mother-in-law’s tongue and Viper’s Bowstring is an extremely tough and drought-resistant plant. It looks elegant with its striped and twisted sword-shaped leaves making it one of the most popular indoor plants. It can survive in low light and dry air conditions and needs watering only once every two or three weeks, making it a low-maintenance plant. Plus, it purifies the air too, as it removes airborne toxins like formaldehyde and benzene from the environment.


ZZ plant 

Another plant that can thrive in low light and low water conditions is the ZZ plant also known as the Ric-Rac plant. It looks stunning with its dark green, glossy leaves that grow on thick stems, giving it a lush and tropical look. It is one of the most resilient plants, as it can survive droughts, pests, and diseases. It does not need much attention, pruning, or fertilization making it an extremely low-maintenance plant. Plus, it loves to get root-bound and doesn’t need to be repotted frequently.


This trailing plant has heart-shaped leaves that come in various shapes and shades. Pothos can grow long lush vines even in extremely low-light conditions making it suitable even for places such as bathrooms and kitchens. It can also survive without watering for many days making it one of the top low-maintenance plants. It can also purify the air from harmful chemicals.

Peace lily

Peace lily is a stunning plant with glossy, dark green leaves and white, spath-like flowers. It can liven up any dull corner with its striking beauty. It only needs moderate light and water to thrive, making it an excellent choice for your bedroom or living room in winter.

Aloe vera

Aloe vera is a succulent with fleshy, spiky leaves that store water and gel. It is very low maintenance, as it only needs watering once every two weeks. But being a succulent, it requires bright direct or indirect light, therefore, give it a sunny spot such as a windowsill for it to thrive.

These are some of the best low-maintenance plants that you can buy in the winter and enjoy their benefits all year round.

Here are some other blogs which make your Green Space more Greener!

  1. Gardening Calendar Blogs
  2. Sustainable Gifting Ideas
  3. Gardener Stories
  4. Garden Care Blogs
  5. Miniature Garden Decor
  6. Gardening Workshops

Have a look at some amazing Videos on Gardening that might help you!

  1. Tips on planting homegrown plants and creating art with them as a beginner.
  2. How to preserve, plant, and grow flower seeds in monsoon, winter, and other seasons.
  3. Growing different vegetables, winter vegetables especially, and tips and tricks to preserve.
  4. Preserving fruits such as strawberries, Papaya, watermelon, muskmelon, etc.
  5. Know all about microgreens using examples such as microgreen spinach, microgreen sunflower, microgreen mustard, microgreen flax, etc.
  6. Using gardening tools such as pots, trays, growing bags, moss sticks, watering cans, etc.

Here are some Workshops that might help you if you are new to Gardening!

  1. Convert your small space into a green jungle.
  2. How to upcycle DIY’s for home decor
  3. Watch our workshop on using biochemical enzymes  instead of chemicals in gardening.
  4. Workshop on stepping towards sustainability.

Happy Gardening!

One comment

  1. […] are common flowering plants that can be grown both outdoors and indoors. These low-maintenance flowering plants come in different shades of yellow, orange, and […]

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