Fresh salad veggies are kept together in a dish on a table

Top 10 plants to grow in the month of February

Gardening is something that lightens up our hearts as well as the soul. It’s the perfect thing to do during leisure and also you can grow organic eatable products without much endeavor. All you need is some sort of contrivances and a little bit of guidance.

6 freshly harvested carrots with green stalks kept on soil

How to grow carrot seeds/ plants in India?

Carrot, also known as Gaajar, Mangal Mullangi, Gajjara Gadda, and Gajor is a wholesome and healthy energy vegetable served as salads, halwa and can be cooked as vegetables

Fully matured corn with yellow kernels on the maize plant with leaves in background

How to grow corn seeds/ plants in India?

Corn, which is also known as Bebee Korn, Bebi Karn, Sisura Bhutta, Kulantai Colam is a cash crop in the agricultural field. Many food industries are dependent on baby corn, popcorn, corn flakes, and cornflour which is a source of basic food necessity and also used for cooking fries.

Fresh and healthy green leaves of chilli plant

How to grow herbs at home?

The fresh herbs for food preparation is always a satisfactory way of enhancing the taste and smell of the food.

Colourful bell peppers kept together on a white background

How to grow capsicum seeds/ plants in India?

Capsicums, also known as Bell Pepper or Shimla Mirch, are easy to grow and don’t require any special care. It grows in different shapes and colors adding flavor to salads, soups, and dishes.

Why should you grow a garden at home?

Garden at home is one of the rewarding things to do. Gardening as a hobby can be quite fulfilling and beneficial at the same time.